Archive Mode. Call IIQF 2021- Quilt Show Competition ended on 12/16/20, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Re-routing Roots

Re-routing Roots, Indian Quilts
Re-routing Roots Indian Quilts - 1st Prize

Indian Quilts    153 x 115 x 0.5    ₹45,000.00   

Artist Statement/ Description/ Method
In times of ever changing thoughts about culture & traditions,this is an interpretation of past with tree motifs from folklores & mythology.Just like trees,we are also ever evolving in newer environs- adapting,pruning & nurturing.Our multifaceted development is affirmed in our cultural roots & equally shaped by technology, innovations & ideas.This 'look backward-move forward' attempt acknowledges a synergy between intergenerational tacit knowledge & indigenous skills. Within this cusp of ‘old and new’ lies the interpretation of ‘Design’ ~ an excellent mash up of undeniable culture & a crystal ball to futuristic expression.Where one can harness opportunities for rerouting an augmented, sustainable co-operation in future design alternatives.